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August 1, 2024

Angel Yin

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club


Q. Angel, seven birdies, one bogey. You have an afternoon tee time. When you see the low scores from the morning wave, describe the mindset going into today's round?

ANGEL YIN: It's not my first time being here so I do know the scores can get pretty low. Course is in great shape so it allows the scores to go happen and birdies to roll in because the greens are so pure.

I just needed to stick it in there and try to play my best.

Q. You had a banner year, your best year on the LPGA and then the ankle injury. What's been the biggest adjustment for you to come back after recovering from that injury?

ANGEL YIN: For me it was walking properly because I started tripping. My balance was off. I was talking about it in beginning of this week, where I was able to finally find the feel. If someone threw me a ball I just stood there and couldn't really gauge how far it was or couldn't throw it back. A lot of the basic stuff I've never had to deal with I started dealing with.

It's slowly coming back which is such a blessing because Solheim is around the corner. Obviously want play in that.

Q. All teams have teams around them. Is there anything you can do with the balance challenges to try and maybe overcome that?

ANGEL YIN: Takes time and it's just strength. I have really good people around me, so been getting really good advice. But this stuff you just really have to take time. I didn't really give myself time. I got into the game quite fast and started playing a lot because I wanted to make the Olympics.

Obviously I didn't make it. It's okay. At least I gave myself a good run. No regrets. So keep striving forward, and that's what I am doing. And I got good support around.

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