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August 1, 2024

Angel Yin

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Angel Yin after her first round at the Portland Classic. Angel, what, 6-under round today?

ANGEL YIN: 6-under.

Q. Just take me through the day.

ANGEL YIN: Actually didn't start out that great. Hit some bad shots in the beginning, but I had really good saves the first two holes. Kept it steady; didn't go over par.

And then made a birdie, but then made a bogey again, so I'm just trying to keep myself steady. I haven't been playing very good my last, I don't know, few months, so a lot of the tournaments, so just trying to really stick in there and trust the process.

Q. What was working for you today? Was it your putting? Pitch shots? What do you think was just the best part?

ANGEL YIN: My putting definitely improved. I started getting my feel back like Sunday last week. Few days too late for that week, but this week is obviously good.

I think everything tied together pretty well. Iron shots could still improve. Overall, it's just you're trying game out there, and I think that's what I did.

Q. The injury you battled at the beginning of this season, how has the work back from that been and how do you feel now?

ANGEL YIN: Strenuous, but I do feel a lot better every day. It's healing. Can't complain. It's my second week in a row and I feel quite good, especially with how hot today is. When it gets hot my foot gets really inflamed and I was actually really good and I didn't feel that much pain. I walked normal. Obviously it's an easier walk.

You know, everything is in the positives.

Q. Stacy mentioned she had talked to a few players about playing this event. Obviously you want to make the Solheim Cup team. How important is this event for you? Does it feel like it's important for you?

ANGEL YIN: Well, it's more important for me because I want to get the momentum in. I want to be able to play my way on to the team obviously. But if I can -- if I have to rely on a pick I at least want to show that I'm playing really well.

For me right now, since I'm feeling better I just want to get more repetition and the feel in. This was like a super last-minute decision that I registered to play. I think this is good because I always really liked Portland as well.

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