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August 1, 2024

Leta Lindley

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Fox Chapel Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We welcome Leta Lindley to the flash interview area here at the U.S. Senior Women's Open Championship. 2-under, are you happy with the start?

LETA LINDLEY: I'm happy. I don't think you can be displeased being on the happy side of par for your opening round. I left a little bit out there, but overall I'm super pleased with my play today.

Q. It was extremely hot for the afternoon wave. How do you think that impacted play, if at all, and did it help speed up the greens?

LETA LINDLEY: I think the golf course was a little firmer than what I expected, and it did speed up the greens. I come from South Florida where we melt, so the heat didn't bother me too much, and I made sure to hydrate, but certainly the course played a little faster than it did on Wednesday.

Q. You had four birdies and two bogeys today and a nice finish on 18. Talk about that.

LETA LINDLEY: Yeah, I had left a few putts out there on the back side so I was a little bit disappointed but had 87 to the pin coming in, which was a perfect sand wedge, and I hit it up there to about three, four feet and knocked it right in the heart, so that was a really nice way to finish. I was pleased with that.

Q. You started with birdies on three of the first five holes. Can you speak about that a little bit.

LETA LINDLEY: Well, I started on 1 and the greens were significantly faster than they were the day prior. I ended up having to make a nine-footer for par. I made that, and that was sort of a momentum builder. Was able to capitalize on No. 2, the par-5, making a five-footer. Made a great breaking putt on 3, the par-3, and another great breaking putt I think at 5. I was off to a really hot start, and then on the par-3, 6, I hit a great shot in there, and that pin was so tricky, and that putt was so fast. I'm sure I'm not the only one that three-putted that hole. So I was a little disappointed because I felt like I played the hole well and walked away with bogey, but that is going to happen out here, and you just have to be patient and know that you might have a bogey or two, but if I can minimize that, then that would be great.

Q. Can you talk about the motivation you had coming into this championship knowing what your results were the last couple of years?

LETA LINDLEY: Sure. I know that I'm capable of playing well and having a great championship, but at the same time I really didn't want -- I don't want to put a ton of pressure on myself, and my mindset is really just one shot at a time, and add it up at the end and see where I'm at. It would be easy for me to come in and put a ton of pressure on, and I think that just makes it a little bit harder. My son is like, are you hyped, are you hyped? I'm like, no, I'm trying to be calm. I'm not trying to be hyped. I'm just trying to be calm and play my game one shot at a time.

I know there's a lot of golf yet to be played, and I'm just happy that I shot a solid round and I'm in a good position so far.

Q. When you have that afternoon wave first round, morning wave second day, what do you do to get ready with the short transition time?

LETA LINDLEY: Well, nourish my body and try and get a good night's sleep. Maybe I can carry that momentum into the morning and hopefully the weather won't be too bad. I'm hoping that I got the good draw of the wave.

We're used to this. This happens. Maybe it's a little harder now that I'm on the other side of 50, but I'll get some good rest tonight, and I'll be ready to go tomorrow morning.

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