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August 1, 2024

Jenny Shin

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jenny Shin after her first round at the Portland Classic. Coming off a really good finish last week. Just how happy are you to carry that into this week?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, feels great. I took Monday off; took Tuesday off. Was a little nervous about maybe not prepping enough, but glad I was able to shoot 6-under today, yeah.

Q. What were some of the keys out there on the round today? What sort of shots were helping you throughout the round?

JENNY SHIN: Birdieing the par-5s, reachable par-5s was huge for me. Yeah, hit a few shots inside 20 feet. Was able to drop quite a few of them, so that helped a ton.

Q. This last one here looked really close. You stuck it right to the pin. Can you just take us through the last hole?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, tee shot was a little bit nervous. I was hooking the two tee shots before that so bunted one down the fairway. Hit my 7 iron to seven feet, downhill, pretty straightforward putt.

Yeah, good birdie.

Q. Any key moments out there, particular birdies that stand out in your mind?

JENNY SHIN: Probably number -- was probably -- I can't figure out what hole that is.

I made a pretty decent 21-footer.

Q. Nice.

JENNY SHIN: That felt really good. Was a perfect speed, good read, so that gave me a lot of confidence going into the last few holes.

Q. What do you like in particular about this course? If you say you don't like it, that's okay, too.

JENNY SHIN: I don't think I have that good of a track record here. I know I played in a lot of them but I don't know if I played well. I just know it.

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