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July 30, 2024

Mito Pereira

Paris, France

Le Golf National


Quick Quotes

Q. What would be the first thing you would do back in Chile if you were to win an Olympic medal here?

MITO PEREIRA: Probably go to celebrate with my family and friends back home. I think that for sure would be the first thing, and then probably have to do a lot of things maybe with the Gold Medal and people in Chile.

Q. You've been spending time in Paris. What have you been up to so far?

MITO PEREIRA: I've been here for one day only. I haven't seen much yet.

Q. Do you plan to go and see some of the other sports?

MITO PEREIRA: Yeah, I'll try. Obviously Thursday to Sunday, golf takes the whole day, but I think we are trying -- I'm planning to go to the sprint on Sunday. So we'll see. It's at 9:00 PM so maybe if we can get some tickets.

Q. You've had a chance to see the course this morning. How is it playing?

MITO PEREIRA: I've only played nine holes. It looks in really good condition. It's tough. It's going to be a good test.

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