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July 28, 2024

Rose Zhang

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Rose Zhang after her final round at the CPKC Women's Open. Another good result for you here in Canada. Just tell me about the day and how happy with this finish.

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, today was a little difficult. I found myself not in the fairway on most of the holes out here, and that's just not what you want to do.

I think overall I'm really proud of how I stuck in there and tried to grind it out. I think there are a lot of positives from this week. It's nice to be back in contention, so we'll just be taking that momentum into the Olympics.

Q. Speaking of which, what are of the next couple days, weeks looking like for you?

ROSE ZHANG: Heading back home and then my coach is coming in to kind of work with me a little bit, get some stuff fine tuned. I'm just trying to make sure that I'm resting. The Olympics week is going to be full of adrenaline. I'm trying my best to just prepare for that and really just excited to be there.

Q. What are you most looking forward to? The golf? The environment? What's exciting you the most about the Olympics?

ROSE ZHANG: I'm looking forward to meeting all the athletes. You know, when you're at the Olympics, it's already an honor to be alongside your fellow USA teammates. Every sport is so dedicated to what they're and I have so much respect for that. But I'm really just excited to take inspiration from them, just enjoy myself a little bit.

And obviously I do want to compete, I do want to play well, so that's on top of my list, too.

Q. Are you going to watch anything? Do you have any plans?

ROSE ZHANG: As of the moment, we're trying to get as much -- or we're trying to see what the schedule looks like and how it's see fit. Hopefully women's swimming, hopefully couple others. I do really want to watch track but I don't know if that's there.

Q. Speaking of, I think your fellow American, Lauren Coughlin is going to win.


Q. Looks like that's going to happen. Just to see Lauren, another American, take home another event this year, maybe a Solheim Cup teammate, how happy are you for her?

ROSE ZHANG: She's been knocking on the door for however many events. I'm so happy she sealed the deal, got it done. She deserves the world. Oh, that's so cool.

Please, I want to say a personal congratulations to her. I'll say that.

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