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July 28, 2024

Laure Coughlin

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club


Q. This is what makes call golf so much fun. Congratulations on your first victory. You're a self-described late bloomer.


Q. Describe a bit of that journey from walk-on at Virginia to now being a tour winner at age 31.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I don't even really know how to describe it. You know, I think I've had people believe in me for a really long time, and I wouldn't be here without their push and love. My husband, my family, John Llewellyn, Kim Llewellyn, Brian Bailey, my assistant coach in college who is probably the reason I went to Virginia in the first place.

Yeah, it's kind of indescribable to be honest. Never really thought it would happen, but it did. (Smiling.)

Q. Yesterday was a dream day. You and Haeran throwing birdies and eagles out there. Everything was going right; today was a struggle. Only three birdies for you. How big was that shot at 17 and the ensuing putt?

MAO SAIGO: Yeah, it was kind of a tweener of a club. I could really only hit 6 and I needed to take some off it or else it might have gone over, especially considering how jacked up I was at the time.

But I hit it pretty perfect and the putt, I thought it was almost going to stay out to the left there and just dove right at the last second. It was huge. Felt like I hung in there all day today. Didn't really make anything; just played super patient and stuck with it and they eventually went in.

Q. I was going to say, you've been known for your grit and perseverance and determination. How much did you lean on those things when it was looking a little dire at points halfway through the round?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I think just my story in general just shows that I'm always trying, always will to try to do things. I am willing to stay in it. I don't give up. I think I showed that perfectly today.

Q. 101st first tournament and you are a tour winner. Congratulations.


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