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July 28, 2024

Nataliya Guseva

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Nataliya after her final round of the CPKC Women's Open. Solid finish after four rounds here. Just talk about how you felt like I played all week.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: You know, I didn't expect much from this week because I got very sick the first day actually. I'm so sorry.

So, yeah, I played with a fever the first round and I just kind of -- I didn't have any type of expectations. I just tried to take it hole by hole. So I didn't really know, you know, if I could make cut like just being as sick, but I actually played pretty well.

I just -- you know, what I did well I feel like I didn't run and kind of think about what can happen, so really took it like in a moment and just take it -- just take it as a privilege playing here in Canada.

This is my first time out here. The people, the volunteers, honestly jut everything is probably one of my favorite events on the LPGA. I just loved it.

I mean, I went to see Lake Monroe, Lake Louise, just, you know, just discovered a little bit. But, yeah, I enjoyed my time here, so, yeah.

Q. Awesome. And then looks like another top 10 finish here.


Q. You had another one earlier this season. Just talk about how you feel like you're going to take this opportunity and kind of momentum toward the next few?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I mean, it's obviously great. You know, I'm just still trying to stay at the moment and not kind of think about what can happen in the future.

But just getting those type of Top 10s and just moving on and maybe get a win this season, it would be awesome. So I'm still going to work hard and just grind out there, and, yeah, whatever happens, happens.

I mean, I always like August and September months, so it's coming up, and I'm just, yeah, hopefully going to get some, you know, good prizes out there.

Q. And last question: Kind of farther in the season now; you're a rookie this year. Just talk about what you think you learned the most after kind of the halfway point.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, I think the most is just really important to take a rest and just sometimes like really enjoy out here, because, you know, not a lot of girls get out and play on the LPGA Tour. Just take it as a privilege playing out here, treating every day as a miracle, you know, kind of playing here, and just wonderful.

So I just love that. I'm just enjoying to spend the time with the best players in the world and learning from them as well.

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