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July 27, 2024

KJ Choi

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under par through 14 holes, building a big lead. What were you thinking?

KJ CHOI: Yeah, it's 15 hole is right-to-left wind. I'm in the high cut, driver, trying to -- backswing and little pull, and there is no bush. I thought I hit it in center of the wedge ask it came out 50 yards in the fairway and a bogey make, is still good. But just tiny stuck in tree and then just 20 yards and then came out and then nice double-bogey.

Then highlight on 16 is a high draw, 5-iron, the same thing. A little small backswing, hurry up on the downswing, a little bit of pull. I thought it impact first swing and it came out barely going down on the green and it came out again, bunker. And then came out and double-bogey again.

Still, I feel that much better. Today, a couple shot mistake and then more worse than yesterday, last two days. So my caddie say, okay, tomorrow, no mistake. So we make birdie. Make try on the irons. It's a good sign today and happy with round.

Q. How happy to birdie the last hole to get your lead back, having lost the big lead?

KJ CHOI: I look at 17 first time leaderboard and tied for lead, 7-under, okay. My tee shot down right-to-left, but doesn't help, driver. Hybrid and 4-iron, hit it actually perfect and stop land and stop quick. Yesterday, pitching wedge over the green, 150 yards. So bit different shot but I look in the right-to-left hook and then inside, 18-foot, just make it.

I'm so happy with this round tomorrow in the championship and then rest again, tomorrow, start.

Q. You have an opportunity tomorrow to win the Senior Open championship. How much are you looking forward to getting out there and taking that on?

KJ CHOI: It's a dream come true. Always a player, The Open is very special event. And Carnoustie, you know, in the champions, wow, is very surprised, very special.

So I try my best to do well. More putting and iron shot is more control as I try to win tomorrow.

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