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July 27, 2024

Rose Zhang

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club


Q. You took it to the limit. When did you realize you had to switch from defensive golf the first two rounds to offensive golf?

ROSE ZHANG: I think today with the conditions the wind definitely wasn't as strong as the first two days, and just from early on I saw the scores were a little bit lower, but obviously you have to keep your guard on the golf course, especially when you're out here.

Any shot could lead to something worse than a par or bogey. I think for the most part, I just stuck to the simple game plan of fairways, greens, see what opportunities I got.

It was a good day.

Q. What is it going to take tomorrow to win again on the LPGA Tour?

ROSE ZHANG: I think tomorrow it's more composure. In my mind, it's just when you're under pressure you don't want to rush anything, force anything. If things happen, things happen.

That's my mindset. I'm not trying to make anything happen, but I am trying to play I best and I want to be in contention.

So that's the goal for tomorrow, to really just stick through it and do what I can.

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