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July 27, 2024

Rose Zhang

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Rose Zhang after her third round at the CPKC Women's Open. A move up the leaderboard with a 66 today. Just talk about how it went out there.

ROSE ZHANG: Today was just super solid. I felt like with the conditions I was able to get at pins a little bit more, and I ended up hitting the shots that I wanted to. Every shot that I envisioned went my way for the most part.

So just felt like it was a really solid game overall. Just pretty excited to be in contention.

Q. And last time we saw you posted a score this low was when you won at Founders Cup. Just talk about the work you've been putting in since then.

ROSE ZHANG: For sure. I think especially when you're out here on tour, it's difficult to -- or I shouldn't say difficult, but it's not easy to always play your best when you get into kind of little mind games with yourself. It requires a lot of patience, a lot of dedication off the golf course to get yourself back in a good headspace to really start competing, start trusting yourself.

That's basically what I did I think for the most part. I'm still learning my way around tour and the lifestyle that it brings. I think slowly I'm getting the hang of it. Really just not trying to rush anything.

Q. 11-under par score on the board today. Did you think the golf course would've allowed for someone to shoot 11-under today?

ROSE ZHANG: Was that Mao?

Q. Yeah.

ROSE ZHANG: That's super cool.

Q. 11-under 61 she finished with.

ROSE ZHANG: That's incredible. No, I don't think I would've imagined that, especially the first few days with how it played.

I played with her at Evian and she's an incredible player, so seeing that score that she posted doesn't really surprise me too much.

Just, wow, that's a crazy score.

Q. Obviously going to be trying to come from behind tomorrow. Given it's the final round, does the game plan change or just try to make a bunch of birdies, try to keep rolling it in and see where you end up at the end of the day?

ROSE ZHANG: I think the latter. Like I said before, I'm already really proud of myself for putting myself in contention.

Tomorrow the game plan is just to stay steady, do what I can, make sure I'm hitting the fairways and the greens first, and giving myself as many opportunities as possible.

And if things go my way, things go my way. But you honestly can't force anything in this game. For the most part the tempo that I have in mind is the main goal tomorrow.

Q. What can you say as well to the Canadian fans we've seen out here? We were talking about how many fans are watching Brooke, but how much love and support do you feel from the Canadians?

ROSE ZHANG: I feel so much love and support. Like I said to you just not on screen, it's hard being Brooke this week. Seeing the crowds, seeing the love, they honestly -- every Canadian fan out here not only cheers for their own players, but they cheer for every single player.

We really appreciate that and we love the game. We love them coming out and supporting the LPGA. I felt a little love when I was out there, too, especially on 17, and just in general. It's really great to be out here.

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