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July 27, 2024

Megan Khang

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Megan, defending champion at the CPKC Women's Open. Just talk about how much support you felt over the past few days.

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it's been pretty cool. All the fans coming out, chanting my name. I know I'm not Canadian, but it's pretty dang close to being one, and so it's pretty cool just kind of walking up fairways. Even when I was maybe down yesterday mid-round, you know, everyone was just kind of cheering me on, so it kept me going.

Thankfully I was able to turn it around to play the weekend. It's just even better to be out here and still have everyone kind of chanting my name to pep me up and try to tell me to defend even though I'm like, oh, it's a little harder right now.

Definitely love the support.

Q. How excited were you to make the weekend and post a great round today as well, move up a little bit?

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, the last two events I missed the cut, and it's tough when it's two majors.

But I felt like my game was in a pretty good spot and I'm very happy how we kind of buckled down on the back nine yesterday just to make the cut.

And then to go out there today and kind of continue to make some putts, you know, I know my ball striking is there and it's just a matter of centimeters with green reading. Everyone knows golf is a game of inches.

Just trying to stay positive with how my game is and where I am at with it.

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