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July 27, 2024

Anna Davis

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Anna Davis, the only amateur to make the cut in the field. Talk about the last few days and what it's been like to play here to the CPKC Women's Open.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, first two days I think it was a battle for everybody really. Yeah, just grinded the first two days.

Today was a little more gettable. Just didn't really take advantage the birdie opportunities. I played all right; very consistent; lots of fairways, lots of greens.


Q. Not your first start on the LPGA Tour, but just talk about what you kind of learn every time you play in a pro event like this.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, I think just with how many I've played I'm a little more comfortable now. I know where to go, what to do, all of that.

But, yeah, I just feel like playing with the best players in the world is obviously going to be a learning experience, and just seeing how they play and watching the shots they hit, you know, it's cool, because you don't get to see that everybody. Not everybody gets to do it.

Q. What's it like to see some of the players? Like I see a Alexa over there that you grew up playing junior golf with.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, no, it's fun. We were looking forward to this event because we don't get to see each other often because she's on tour all the time. Yeah, it's fun to be able to see her doing well and all of that.

Q. What are you looking forward to the rest of summer? And getting back to school.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, back to school soon. I have the U.S. Am in a week and a half and then back to school. Yeah, coming up soon.

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