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July 27, 2024

Trevor Gutschewski

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Press Conference

Q. As I was trying to say, reflect on just the test this is with 11 rounds, including the practice rounds and tough course, tough competition. Just to outlast everyone, what does that mean to you?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, it's an insanely long week. Got here Saturday morning; it's Saturday again, right? Yeah, so I mean, there is so much golf. You're playing so many good guys. You're playing 36 holes a day. You're grinding out every single match.

Like my first match went 23 holes or something. Like that mentally and physically really, really, really takes a toll on you. You just got to keep your recovery up and then try and keep your body and mind right going through the week.

Q. Is this the most golf you've played in an eight-day stretch?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Probably. I think so.

Q. When you picked up that trophy, who was the first name you looked at?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I don't even know. One of these guys a long time ago I think. Probably this Tiger Woods guy.

Q. Some pretty good names on there.

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: It's pretty awesome, yeah.

Q. Were you out here Monday, Tuesday when Charlie was playing? Did you ever play on the course when he was out here?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, one of our practice rounds we were a couple groups behind him. That's pretty insane. I was warming up next to Tiger the other day, too, which is pretty awesome.

But I don't know, ton of people out watching him. It was really cool.

Q. What did you think about the crowds out there today?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: It was awesome. It was really cool. Not sure I ever played in front of that many people before. It was awesome. I really liked it. It was fun to walk with them, too. Talked to a ton of really interesting people.

Q. You got off to a good start. I think you made eagle on 6, right, par-4?


Q. Take me through that hole.

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, so I hit a 5-wood up there. Had about 100; playing 106. I've been spinning it off that green all week, so I hit a chippy little 50-degree and looked really good.

Must have took a while to go in because we didn't see it. Everyone up there threw their hands up so, so we figured it went in.

Q. He obviously you got off to the hot start. You know it's a long match. He battles back. How much do you think that 23-hole match to start you out prepared you for the mental grind that is this week?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I'm not sure. Like it's just -- you just got to stay in the moment, hit every shot as best you can. You can't give up on anything.

I don't know, that match was a grind. I had a couple -- I had two putts over 20 -- I had probably a 15-footer and a 30-footer where if I didn't make them I'm going home and now we're here.

It's crazy how match play goes. Every match is a new match. Just got to keep winning, keep doing your best.

Q. That tee shot on 13 on the second nine today, was that kind of like the, all right, I got this moment?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I think the pressure was getting high and I felt like I was hitting better shots, so I figured I wasn't going to let it get to me down the stretch and I was going to hit some good shots coming in.

Q. 155 on that coming in?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I think it was 150.

Q. What were you telling yourself during lunch just tied halfway through, battling? What were you telling yourself that you needed to do coming back for the afternoon?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Just need to come out and play solid golf. Just not mistake many mistakes, like I've been saying.

I came out, played solid golf, and didn't make many mistakes, so all worked out pretty well. Came out 4 and 3, so I think my philosophy worked pretty well.

Q. How would you sum up the fact that you're a USGA champion now? What does that mean?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I don't even know. I mean, it's like been like 15 minutes. Probably hasn't sunk in yet. I have to sit on it for a bit.

Q. What's it like seeing your dad on the course this morning?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: It was pretty awesome. Good to see him out here. He just went and played this week. Saw him this morning in the hotel. It was nice of him to come out.

Q. So you saw him before you left this morning?


Q. Did he fly in last night then?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, got in last night.

Q. Get some rest.


Q. You're going to sleep well.

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I'm going to sleep real well.

Q. U.S. Open at Oakmont. Have you been to Oakmont before?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I don't think so. Only seen pictures. Looks pretty nice.

Q. Do you remember watching the last U.S. Open there, DJ, 2016?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, looks pretty hard, too.

Q. What comes to mind when you think about playing alongside some of the pros in that Open?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: It's going to be awesome. I don't know, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be really cool to play in those tournaments after watching my dad play in those for my whole life really.

So it'll be really cool to play with them, especially in the U.S. Open.

Q. What about this course this week, your impressions of the South particularly?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: The course is incredible. One of the best shape courses I've ever seen. So much history here, too.

It's just an incredible place. All the members were great. All the volunteers were top tier. Everyone I talked to was super nice, cheering you on. Just incredible. I couldn't think of a better place to play at, win at.

Q. How much would you like to be back here in ten years when The Open is here?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Be pretty nice. That would be -- I'd say deal.

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