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July 27, 2024

Tyler Watts

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Ultimately fell short of what you came here to do, but it was a hell of a week. What are you going to take away from the experience?

TYLER WATTS: Just was mentally strong. I think my body really, really caught up to me on the last 18, which I know it sounds like an excuse, but for the most part played really good this week. Just didn't have my best stuff this last 18 holes.

Q. Outside of the body, what else do you think you could have done better today to keep yourself a little bit closer down the stretch?

TYLER WATTS: Driver definitely killed me today. Didn't hit any fairways. I think my putter was really the only thing this kept me in it on the first 18, and that's why I had that 1-up lead.

Then the putter just couldn't keep up on the back 18. That's why. And Trevor played great and not having a great putter is not...

Q. Yeah, it was back and forth. He got up early, you came back. How much fun was it to be out there with Trevor? Seemed like you guys were having a good time.

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, it was fun. Trevor is a great guy. It was easy to talk to him, and we had a bunch of fun out there I think.

Q. Did you know him before? Like had you played any tournaments with him at all?

TYLER WATTS: I didn't. I met him at the baseball game last night and I knew we were going to have some fun today. He's pretty cool.

Q. You're exempt into the Amateur, so see you at Hazeltine. How excited are you for that?

TYLER WATTS: I'm excited.

Q. Headed into that week, what do you think you got to work on to try and make match play over there?

TYLER WATTS: I think I just got to keep staying consistent. I think I hit my irons really, really good this week. If I can keep doing that, I'm going to keep playing some really good golf.

Q. Outside of the Am, what are the plans the rest of the summer?

TYLER WATTS: I'm going to the Western Am actually right after we're done here.

Q. No rest for the weary.

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, that will be brutal. After Western Am I'm going to take a little bit of a break for probably a week and then I'll be at Hazeltine.

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