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July 26, 2024

Padraig Harrington

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

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Q. 70 to follow a 71.

PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON: Yeah, hard to free up, I don't know if that was the conditions or it was me. I'm kind of pleased enough with the scores. Wouldn't be disappointed -- maybe the turn, 9, 10, 11, 12, I didn't score very well there. Missing the fairway on 10 and 11 to two easy pins was, you know, might have left a few out there but overall, yeah, 2-under par would have taken that on the first tee going out.

Three behind going into the weekend. You know, still in there. That's where you want to be. And you know, I was just saying to Ronan, we've only played 36 holes. Feels like we've done 72 at this stage. Been a tough 36 holes with that weather and wind and you've got to all be on, and I'm sure it's going to be another 36 of tough mental fortitude to come.

Q. Nevertheless, excited about the possibility to go into the weekend with another chance to win this great championship?

PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON: Yeah, you know, it is where I want to be. The last two years, I got really close but I started poorly. Coming in off the majors, I was tired. Obviously I've started a lot better this time around. But still at the end of the day, I'm going to possibly, you're going to have to play well over the weekend and you're going to have to shoot the scores and you're going to have to overcome some of the demons that I have out there.

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