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July 26, 2024

Richard Green

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Little bit more of an indifferent day, shall we say at Carnoustie but how do you reflect after 36 holes?

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, difficult a tougher day. I felt the wind was up a bit more today, and I didn't quite hit the ball as well. So you know, when you're a little bit out of position, you find it a little bit difficult and challenging. But you know, my ability to hang in there was good today, and got a couple of nice birdies on the way in and an eagle on 12, which got me back on track, really.

You know, nice to birdie 14 and just finishing off well. Happy.

Q. You had that run of bogeys during the middle of the round. What do you say to yourself during that period?

RICHARD GREEN: Just hang in there. You know, you've just got to, unfortunately, suck it up when that stuff's happening and try and do your best to minimize the damage, I suppose. I was only able to do what I could do. Just took me a little bit to sort my swing out a little bit and you know, even then it wasn't great towards the end. You know, I'll work on it for tomorrow.

Q. Big weekend ahead, how much are you looking forward to?

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, very much. So it's going to be fun to come out and test under those conditions and see how we go. Hopefully I'll end up like I did the first day tomorrow.

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