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July 26, 2024

Miguel Angel Martin

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Terrific effort over those first two days, nicely placed heading into the weekend. How do you feel you've gone?

MIGUEL ANGEL MARTIN: I'm feeling so good. I'm feeling confidence. I've been hitting the ball really, really good, straight, that's what we need on this course and I'm putting good, too.

Q. Going into that back nine, you found a flourish of birdies, three in four holes back there. What did you say to yourself in that period?

MIGUEL ANGEL MARTIN: Well, listen, I played good the back nine, too. I leave two more birdies on the course because I three-putt on the par 5 and 17, I got a very, very makeable putt for birdie. I'm happy. 3-under under on the back nine I think is a good round.

Q. Coming into a week like this, you know the course is going to be tough. The conditions are very windy. What do you say to yourself starting the week?

MIGUEL ANGEL MARTIN: Well, just keep the head down. Keep the ball low. Be on the fairways and greens. Fairways and greens. That's what I needed.

Q. How much are you looking forward to the weekend now firmly in the mix?

MIGUEL ANGEL MARTIN: Well, I try to do my best. I cannot say anything, just do my best, it's good.

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