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July 26, 2024

Paul Broadhurst

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Out in 39, back in 35 for a 74. Give us your verdict on the day's work.

PAUL BROADHURST: Obviously liked the back nine. It was a bit windy today and I said yesterday, you've got to hit the fairways, and I didn't. I missed the a fairway on 6, 7 and you're just hacking it down there to be honest.

Once you get in that rough, it's coming out straight left all the time and it makes it tough. But again, I hung in there. Made a good birdie down 11, birdied 12. Drove it in the trap on 14 which is unfortunate. Killed my chance at birdie.

And then just missed a couple of putts, a couple of 10-footers on 15 on the last which would have been nice.

But I'm not disappointed with 74. It would have been nice to sort of stay a couple near Amesy. But he's playing lovely. Playing really, really well.

Q. Overall what are the players facing this afternoon? Is the course more difficult than yesterday?

PAUL BROADHURST: No question. Front nine is a lot harder, and even downwind, gets fiery and bouncy you have to drop it 20 yards short on holes like 15, 16, such a tough pin on front there. You have to land it short enough to sort of die on the top of the hill. There's a big slope. So to hit 20 yards of where you want to stop is -- so if you hit it on the upslope it kills it. If you pitch it on top, it's out the back. So even downwind, it's tricky.

Just got to hit fairways. Simple. Just give yourself a chance. But if you're not, in you're in the rough all day long, it's hard work.

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