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July 26, 2024

Bernhard Langer

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Players are telling me it's difficult out there but you've added a 70 to yesterday's 74, what's the difference in your play?

BERNHARD LANGER: Well, it's certainly harder this morning. Right now the wind is cropping somewhat but that might pick up again.

But this morning it was pretty tough. It was probably 20 gusting, higher at times.

What was better for me, I made some putts. I actually played pretty good yesterday, too. I should have been 1-under, something like that, but ended up 2-over because my longest putt was four feet, five feet, and that's not good enough on these greens that are really good. That was the difference. Just putted better and still played solid.

Q. Seems 5 to 9 are really challenging and then 10 to 15 is the scoring. How do you approach that mentally when a round of golf is like that?

BERNHARD LANGER: It's 18 holes. It's kind of a tough start here and then a very tough finish. And then in the middle it feels like there's two par 5s where you've got to almost make some birdies or eagles to make up ground because the other holes are very, very difficult. You know that, so you just take each hole and make the best of it.

Q. YOU started the week telling us you had not walked a 72-hole tournament since your Achilles surgery in February, and you didn't know whether you could. Where are you now?

BERNHARD LANGER: I had my doctor with me. He's helping me mobilize my foot, my ankle, giving me massages and stretches and all that. Putting some tape on it.

So it was actually slightly better today than yesterday, which is very encouraging, until I had to hit that bunker shot on 13, I think it was. I had to hit it off my knees and basically lay on my foot and I couldn't get my foot to go this way. So I had to make it go that way, and it was starting to hurt after that.

But up until that point, it's good. Hopefully I'll be good for another 36.

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