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July 26, 2024

Stephen Ames

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. One birdie, one bogey and 16 pars and a 72. Give us your assessment of your play today.

STEPHEN AMES: Steady. Actually to be honest I think it was a bit tougher today, this morning, than it was yesterday afternoon.

So a lot more blustery. It was more going for the middle of the greens, 25-, 30-footers. It was tough to make birdies from there.

And also they did a good job of tucking the pins. It was obviously a bit more difficult to get birdies out there you.

Q. Were telling us yesterday, you came over a week early and played some links golf. Where did you play and how did it help acclimatise?

STEPHEN AMES: Birkdale, the new Birkdale, which is a common thing for me. I'm always there. And then we played new St Andrews and old St Andrews with my wife. So we've played quite a bit, and then Silhouette on the way up, as well. So we've played quite a few rounds of golf.

Q. How much did it help you acclimatise?

STEPHEN AMES: A lot. Silhouette was really windy, and of course the Old Course did blow, as well, when we were out there playing.

I think getting used to the grasses, playing the bump-and-runs, running it up, all those kind of shots, I had to kind of re-learn as we normally do when we come over here. I think it did a lot, yes, for sure.

Q. 15 starts on the Champions Tour this year, two wins, ten Top 10s. What's the secret to consistently contending?

STEPHEN AMES: Being calm, I guess, more than anything else. You're going to hit bad shots. That's golf. You're human. Accepting those and moving on rather than tries to analyse why I hit the bad shot. Short game has been good and putter has been working nicely, too.

I think it's overall just everything is kind of clicking nicely for me, and I'm in a happier part of my life right now, so it's wonderful.

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