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July 26, 2024

Ryann O'Toole

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ryann O'Toole after a 4-under round today. Tied for the best round we've seen over the past two days. Talk about how you played out there.

RYANN O'TOOLE: You know, today I felt like I hit a lot better drives than yesterday. When I didn't find the fairway, I got myself back in position. I think I stayed very patient in that regard.

Putter was working well today. Just think I judged the wind fairly good. It's definitely some swirls out there, but between that and a little bit of altitude, I kind of figured it out.

But, no, I just stayed patient. After bogeying the first hole, stayed patient and kept it going.

Q. Yeah, talk about that move up the leaderboard, too, heading into the weekend and just the persistence with some of those conditions.

RYANN O'TOOLE: Yeah, you know, I think my goal today was -- I was 2-over going into today. I was like, you know what? If I can get myself to even, I just want like top 20; I would've been happy with that.

Obviously when I got there I was like, okay, let's just keep going. So going T7 into the weekend is very nice. The Canadian Open, the courses are tough, greens are firm, rough is high.

Add wind to it and I don't know. But I like the wind, so it helped.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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