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July 26, 2024

Haeran Ryu

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Haeran Ryu after her second round at the CPKC Women's Open. Great round today. You started off really well with a bunch of birdies. Just take me through the opening of your round.

HAE RAN RYU: Today the weather is really bad. Is a little bit cold and so windy today, so I'm just worry about that, my shot, because this golf course is so narrow and rough is really long and tricky shot up there.

But I think in the opening is really good, accurate driver and my irons shots for second hole, and I miss some easy birdies two holes.

But it's more -- I think one hour later, two hours later, it started more breeze and it's more hard for me I think, yeah.

Q. How important is it to sort of score birdies on the front nine? We hear the back nine is much harder.

HAE RAN RYU: Yeah, I think the start a little more less wind today. I think I want to make some birdie on the front nine and that is good plan I think to me.

Q. You still did really good on the back nine. I think that's more birdies than we've seen on the back nine today.


Q. How do you sort of stay patient after a bogey, knowing bogeys are going to happen and birdies are going to come?

HAE RAN RYU: Yeah, because afternoon start time is too many bumpy on the green, and so accurate to read the lies and I'm so worried about the short putts for the par.

But I'm trust for the wind because today's wind so strong, and many players I think not so trust for the wind and they make some --another things (indiscernible), and they make some mistake on the rough.

But today I'm just trust for the wind. I think that's a good thing for make some birdie.

Q. Now. Seeing that you'll be at the top of the leaderboard, you'll play in the afternoon again tomorrow.


Q. What have you learned that you're going to manage now tomorrow with the starting tee time in the afternoon?

HAE RAN RYU: I just hope so no more strong wind tomorrow, and I want more confidence for my putting.

Today I'm not trust for my putting and I don't make so many birdies in the afternoon -- many birdies, but I missed for the bogey I think.

But tomorrow it's many players and better today to bumpy on the green I think.

Q. I know you finished runner-up last week. How satisfied are you being at the top of the leaderboard right now? What feels good about your game and how happy are you to just be seeing some strong play?

HAE RAN RYU: Before the U.S. Open I'm not trust my shot and my putting, but these days my condition is a little bit tired because I'm playing three tournaments in a row.

I just trust for my shots and lucky. (Laughter.)

Yeah, last week I'm really good finish I think, but many people said, oh, Haeran, it's a little -- you were so close. Yeah, so close.

I mean, it's okay. I'm really good finish on the last day, but I think this week I'll get in the last group on the third round and fourth round, the final round, and I just pray for more lucky for me I think.

Q. Luck and you've been playing really good. We'll appreciate the good stuff, too. Thank you, Haeran.

HAE RAN RYU: Thank you.

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