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July 26, 2024

Lauren Coughlin

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club


Q. What a terrific round of golf today; 70. It was so difficult out there. I would love to hear in your words the difficulty of just trusting shots and hitting good shots into these greens.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I mean, it was obviously very windy out there, a lot of crosswinds, which they can be a hair hurting, a hair helping depending on what quarter you're getting.

Also with the elevation and how far the ball is going, it was really hard to judge how far the ball was going to end up going. I felt like I was hitting shots really good and how I wanted to, and they would just go -- like on 11, like I still don't know how that 54 went that far.

Should have been dead nuts into the wind and it just wasn't. It went further than normal actually. So just like little things like that.

But I putted extremely well. Two putted really well all day. Took advantage of the front nine, which you have to, and then kind of hold on on the back nine.

Q. You've really proven to be a gritty performer, mentally strong. I want to follow up with something Morgan talked about, that you met with Bob Rotella last week. I know you have known him for a few years. What's the relationship with him been like over the years? How has he helped you?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, so he lives in Charlottesville which is where I live. I got to play golf with him a handful of times and get to talk to him and pick his brain about certain things.

A lot is just believing in myself and thinking you have to be so perfect which you just don't. Terry has been saying as well. Coming from both of them it's hard not to listen.

Yeah, that's the main stuff: putting, routine, staying in the process. Same with Dr. Julie, the sports psych that the LPGA hired. A lot of that is same things over and over and over again.

I'm just finally starting to listen.

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