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July 26, 2024

Alena Sharp

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Alena Sharp. Alena, how would you sum up the challenge of Earl Grey Golf Club for the first two days?

ALENA SHARP: You know, I thought Shaughnessy was tough, but, wow. The rough is playing pretty brutal. With the cross breeze it's just tough to hit fairways. You just have to hack it out and hope for the best.

I put together some good holes at the end and had a chip-in eagle, so I'm glad to be playing the weekend.

Q. How would you saw assess your game the last two rounds? Are you satisfied with where you're at? Is there a little bit of disappointment?

ALENA SHARP: I think there has been some sloppy play, some sloppy tee shots, a few sloppy putts at the beginning of yesterday. Missed a birdie putt; missed a short putt the next hole; missed a three-footer today.

Like I don't miss those. I'm really struggling reading the greens. I think they're tricky. I think I'm reading more break and then I don't read enough break. Like it's kind of been all over the map.

So hopefully on the weekend I can get that going and hit a few more fairways.

Q. You talked a lot about the fan support and the good vibes here in Alberta, certainly in Calgary. Tell me a little bit more about the buildout here, just seem like every year the tournament is getting bigger and bigger?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, definitely. Walking down 18, I don't -- I have never seen a bigger buildout in my professional career. It's pretty cool. That's a tough hole, too.

But, yeah, this site has definitely gone above and beyond.

Q. Trying to stay in the moment, but unfortunately looking ahead to Paris as well. How have you been able to compartmentalize knowing you have a job to do this week but also a very big Olympic stage coming up very soon?

ALENA SHARP: It's such a great sendoff to be here in Canada before going to Paris. Obviously this tournament means a lot to me. It's our national Open. It's a major in my heart, so I always have a little bit more pressure to play well.

I'm just really happy I got it done and can play the weekend and build for Paris.

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