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July 26, 2024

Tyler Watts

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

TYLER WATTS: I definitely wanted to make match play. Obviously that's the first goal you have coming into the event.

After that, just going one match at a time and seeing if you can keep nailing along and see how long you go you can go.

Q. What's the endurance factor here? Same for Trevor, 36, 36, 36 tomorrow. How you feeling?

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, it's a bit exhausting, but when you want to win the match you find a way to have adrenaline to get it done.

Q. How much are you enjoying that 16th hole, another great shot there. Another tap-in.

TYLER WATTS: I like when ya'll put the tee up. That's a lot of fun.

Q. What did you make the Jay's drive there? He had to go for it.

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, that was a really good shot. Unfortunately the putt didn't fall.

Q. Now just making it to the finals tomorrow, you are in the U.S. Amateur. I know we talked about that. Shot a 76 in your qualifier and didn't get in; now you're in. How cool is that?

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, I'm glad that I qualified this way instead of the other way. Yeah, I'm happy that I qualified. That's awesome.

Q. Ever been to Hazeltine?

TYLER WATTS: I haven't.

Q. Tomorrow you know what's on the line, right?

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, I do. I don't know if I want to say it or not.

Q. I will say it. Berth in the U.S. Open at Oakmont. A little extra pizzaz tomorrow. Pretty cool, right?


Q. Your ball striking today was just incredible. You think the strength of your game is really your iron play? Then your putter, I know you like putting.

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, I would have to say it's my short game, but this week I'm hitting my irons phenomenal. So happy with that.

Q. Have you played much baseball? Thrown many base balls?

TYLER WATTS: Not really. Couple of whiffle balls. That's about it. I'll just lob it to the plate.

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