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July 26, 2024

Trevor Gutschewski

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, you're heading to the finals; how does it feel?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Feels good. No other way to put it. Feels good.

Q. And you're throwing out the first pitch at the Tigers game tonight.

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I couldn't have had any better news coming off the 17th green today. I got to work on getting my arm ready. I feel like I got to throw out a faster pitch than Tyler today. Strike some fear into him before the first tee tomorrow.

Q. Let's talk about your play today. It's a marathon out there playing 36 the last two days. Just how do you feel right now?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I feel good. Big on recovery, keeping the legs fresh, keeping my back solid, not overworking it, not getting to the range too early, hitting too many balls.

Keeping it simple.

Q. This last match here you picked up big wins on holes 11 and 12. Walk me through any big momentum changes throughout the round, specifically 11 and 12.

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I had a big par putt on 9 about ten feet.

Another good one on 10.

Then 11 made a good putt for birdie to win the hole.

12 made another one after he missed his birdie putt.

That big. Felt good. Then lost the next two, but everything shook itself out in the end.

Q. That one, you hit that 20-footer, which hole was that on?


Q. He goes in the water on 16. That change what you're going to do on the tee?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I had driver out. I was thinking it's 290 carry over, so I thought I had that, and then he goes in the water so there is no reason to try it. Figured just hit one up there and make par. Figure that would be good enough unless he hit a really good shot.

So, yeah.

Q. You won some Nebraska events. Now you're going to be playing for USGA title, national championship tomorrow. Has that sunk in yet?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's pretty cool. Obviously USGA is great. It's incredible. It's incredible to have this opportunity to win this tournament.

Such a great tournament.

Q. Plan on playing at Hazeltine?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, I'll find my way out there.

Q. Then tomorrow going to be playing for a spot at Oakmont Country Club in the U.S. Open next year. Have you thought about that?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Not really. Just trying to stay in the moment, keep it one shot at a time, see how it finishes out.

Q. Talked to your dad today yet?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: Yeah, talked to him a little bit after my first match.

Q. Is he's planning on coming here tomorrow if he doesn't make the cut?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: I haven't looked. It was a rough day yesterday, so we'll see. I have no clue.

Q. How was your phone, how many texts?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: A lot of texts, a lot of notifications. Pretty awesome that we put ourselves in this situation.

Q. Who is all here with you today? Mom?

TREVOR GUTSCHEWSKI: My mom, my buddy Jackson Andy McCabe, one my dad's friends from Dallas.

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