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July 26, 2024

Jay Leng

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Jay, came up just short but played awesome golf all week. Can you just talk us through the round this morning and the round this afternoon?

JAY LENG: Yeah, this morning I had a pretty good round. Played pretty well overall. Not too many mistakes.

Kind of struggled in the end a little bit, but made a couple good par putts to stay 1-up against Miles.

Q. Yeah, just talk a little bit more about that match with Miles. Obviously some pretty cool crowds out there. Have you played in front of crowds like that before?

JAY LENG: Yeah, not really. A couple times maybe in team events like the Junior Ryder Cup. I was really excited to finally be in front of a big crowd this week. Looked forward to all of last night.

Q. Then this afternoon, looked like you just lost control a little bit and you were in the rough more often than you would've liked to be. Other than that, how proud were you of your performance this week?

JAY LENG: Yeah, I was really proud of the way I played today. Not just today, the whole week.

My game feels pretty good. Definitely gives me more confidence going into the next few events. I'm playing the Western Am and the U.S. Am this month. Really excited for that.

Q. What did you learned about yourself overall this week?

JAY LENG: Yeah, I definitely know that I have what it takes and there is a few areas of my game I know I need fine tune. Besides that, feel pretty about my game.

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