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July 25, 2024

Stephen Ames

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. You've taken the clubhouse lead with a round of 4 under par. How well did you play to shoot?

STEPHEN AMES: Well, hit the ball nicely. Hit some good shots and I missed a lot of putts out there, unfortunately, for birdies.

But I think overall, the pace of play kind of hindered us a little bit coming down at the end there. So that kind of threw me off-balance.

But I think overall this is a good test here this week for us. So I quite enjoyed the 68.

Q. How much do you enjoy adapting to this style of play?

STEPHEN AMES: I do. I do enjoy it. Over the years playing The European Tour, and coming over here and playing the British Opens, it's always been a tough battle to be able to adapt.

I have done my pre-warm up by coming here a week early and playing a lot of links golf, so I've enjoyed that week, also. And then coming into this event, so it's been fun so far.

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