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July 25, 2024

Bradley Dredge

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. 71, four birdies and three bogeys. What's your verdict on the day's work?

BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, happy with the results. 1-under is a good score out there I think. Any time you shoot 1-under around here in any conditions, you're always happy. I think it's a good start to the event.

Q. Guys are used to making a lot of birdies, but par is momentum here; you're moving in the right direction.

BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, it's as good as it's going to be. The course had some rain, so it's reasonably soft. It wasn't that windy. I've played it much tougher than that. Whatever the conditions are around here, it's just a tough, really good golf course.

Q. Four competitive starts for you this year, playing relatively lightly, but you finished second in your last start. Did you come in here thinking you could do some damage?

BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, I thought -- obviously totally different golf course when we played in Switzerland. But I feel, as the saying goes, trending in the right direction seems the thing to say. Feeling comfortable with it, and hoping to see some results and hopefully do something this week.

Links golf, you need a little bit of luck, and your short game has to be good. Simple as that.

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