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July 25, 2024

KJ Choi

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. A 69, what did you do well today?

KJ CHOI: Some misread inside 5-foot is very difficult and looks like a hook when you hit it, and last hole, too.

Today is very difficult par 3 today, three of them is a bogey. So not different from regular but similar to playing. Today is very lucky to my playing on 12 and 14, a little bit down and help. So this was birdie.

My putting this year more better than other years. So still my backswing, a little low back hurting, too, and I understanding the swing. This weather is very calm, cool, it's very control to me, difficult. Stay warm and more practise and very good this week.

Q. You finished eighth in The Open in 2007. Is Carnoustie a course you really enjoy?

KJ CHOI: I'm really nervous hitting tee shot because it looks difficult with the sea and bunker, and bunker means bogey. I'm trying to be very generous on and confident in the club choice. Today's tee shot is my focus. But putting very well. So enjoyed 2007 and 1999, two times here. Very tough course. Still I'm survival under par and I'm very happy today.

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