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July 25, 2024

Peter Baker

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Quick Quotes

Q. 3-under par round of 69. The final total doesn't tell the full story. What sort of round was that from your point of view?

PETER BAKER: A bit shaky to start with. I didn't really have my game early on but hung in there and had some good up-and-downs and played a little bit better the back nine. Missed a few greens and got up-and-down.

It was Carnoustie; you always feel like you're hanging on. That's how it felt, really. I'm delighted to get under par, firstly, so 3-under was great.

Q. Players are telling me coming in that the front nine into the wind was difficult and the back nine was downwind.

PETER BAKER: Yeah, it was a bit of a shock because the wind was different today, and the front nine played really tough; whereas in the practise rounds, it wasn't too bad. Yeah, it was all hands to the pump early on.

Q. You played the Dunhill Links Championship in October time, pins are in the middle of the greens because they are accommodating the amateurs. How different is it with the setup of the senior major?

PETER BAKER: Yeah, it's different. I mean, the course is fantastic, the setup of it, the condition of it. There's some proper rough out there. Evident every shot's got to go good or you're going to be penalised. It's a much tougher setup. The possibilities, if you play in the middle of the greens here, you're not doing too bad, anyhow.

Par is a good score on most of the holes, and if you can sort of nail a few of the par 5s, that's a big bonus.

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