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July 25, 2024

Hannah Green

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here in the media center with Hannah Green after her first round at the CPKC Women's Open. Just talk about the round you had out there today. 3-under par, near the top of the leaderboard right now. Did you expect that kind of?

HANNAH GREEN: With how I was driving the ball I didn't expect it at all. I only hit four fairways today and win of them was with a 5-iron. Wasn't how I planned out the round.

But I made a lot of really good putts today. A lot of really clutch par putts. A lot of very long putts that perhaps could have been a very big change in how the momentum was in the round.

But I felt bad. I was playing with Megan Khang and she played solid and she couldn't find the hole, and I was holing 40-footers, 30-footers.

But it was nice to have their company. That always helps. It was tricky out there. There were some pretty strong gusts sometimes with where you had to make sure you were hitting the right shot with the wind.

Yeah, just super happen to be tore under par this afternoon.

Q. Talk about some of those rounds where you're kind of scrambling to go get to par or under, especially in some of those conditions. What kind of comes out of you I guess on these days?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it kind of felt like some weekends at major championships just because the rough is so thick. There was a couple times where I was maybe only a yard or two off the fairway and I couldn't advance it to the green at all. It's tricky. It is very lie dependant.

I did play some of those shots aggressive and try and get it as close to, but then there were some shots I had to completely layup and take my bogey or whatever it may be.

Yeah, very much was a grind. I'm not sure what the forecast looks the next few days in terms of wind, but, yeah, the wind direction today was tricky.

I was actually freezing cold out there and then took all my jumpers off and it was quite warm. So we experienced a lot of different temperature changes, too.

Q. What are your thoughts on Earl Grey Golf Club? Is there any course it reminds you of? This is the first time we are talking to you since a few practices. What are your thoughts about the course?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I really like it here. I always enjoy playing in Canada. It would be nice if we could play some more tournaments up here because there are lots of golf courses we can play. I enjoy it.

Earl Grey has been really nice to play. We have got a bit of variety on this golf course, which I like. There are some shorter holes that aren't necessarily always easier, and i really enjoy that because I think we have a lot of that in Australia, so almost feels like playing at home. This course reminds me of Blythefield, Meijer. Yeah, really liking it here so far.

Q. Given the fact that the last three days have been completely different weather-wise, only one shot back of the lead, would you say you're proud of how today went? Would you classify today as gritty? How would you assess your day today given everything that's happened the last three days?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I feel exhausted already and it's only round one. I think because I was all over the place and I was scrambling. Yeah, it is tough out there. We were experiencing two- to nearly three-club winds out there. It's a bit different when you experience that at Scottish Open and you can run it and try and hit those lower shots.

But if you land it short of the green and it doesn't always jump up, it's hard to visualize the shots and pull them off. Yeah, it was tricky out there. I think that's probably why I felt so cold, was because we experienced such heat the first few days.

Looks like the temperature will be nice the next few days, and hopefully people come out and watch us and come to the event.

Q. When you feel like you've maybe squeezed everything possible out of a round where you didn't hit enough fairways, do you take any momentum forward from that? Do you breathe a sigh of relief and gain some momentum?

HANNAH GREEN: I think a little bit, yeah. I know what you mean. It's hard to say yes I played really well today and shot 3-under par, but I don't think I could drive it any poorer than today. There are some positives to take into that and use that momentum in a good way for the next three days.

Obviously the golf tournament is not won on Thursday, but I put myself in a good position. I'm kind of glad I got the late-early wave so I can keep this momentum I have especially on the greens.

Yeah, it's hard. Like I feel like I've played very well today but I also didn't in a sense. So it's hard for maybe other people to understand.

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