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July 25, 2024

Ariya Jutanugarn

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ariya Jutanugarn after her first round at the CPKC Women's Open. Calgary was the site of your CPKC Women's Open win in 2016. How happy are you to be back in this city and what sort of good memories are you building off?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say I always have great memory from Canada so I love to be in Canada. Somehow I just love Canada. Like I want to come back every time. After the tournament finish I'm always looking forward to next year.

Of course I won in 2016. I feel like couldn't remember because so long ago. That moment is just always in my best memory because that year I won five tournament and that my fifth tournament.

Q. I know you just said it feels like forever ago, 2016, but do you remember anything about what led to your success that week?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I remember that week is after the Olympic so I kind of a bit struggle because I didn't play well at the Olympic. I feel like so much pressure.

When I came to Canada I feel so much better. I feel like my confidence got much better after the Olympic. That week I think I don't expect anything. I just want to play some good golf, because like after Olympic I have so much pressure; didn't play well.

When you have -- when you don't have expectation, I think the outcome is just surprise you.

Q. Where would you say expectations are at for you now? Like you come back to Calgary eight years later, what are expectations for you at this point?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say I don't have a good year yet, like starting my first tournament until this event. And when I play the practice round Tuesday and play the pro-am on Wednesday, I feel like this course so hard. Like the rough is so long. The fairway so small. Green is so firm.

So today just play no expectation because like it's really windy when we start. Especially like first 12 hole is so hard. I think when I play without expectations, so everything start to get better.

Q. Is it possible to explain -- like you talk about the great memories in Canada, how much you love coming to play wherever this tournament is. Is it possible to explain how these positive vibes translate onto the golf course?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I love people in Canada. They are so nice. The fan is just support us in so many ways.

I don't know how to explain this, but I just love to be here.

Q. Are there any similarities between this course or this environment from 2016? I know you played a different course in Calgary. Just any memories like from Calgary itself and that course that maybe resonate with you this week?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say we play a lot longer than before. Like when I play 2015, 2016, I don't think we play this long. To me, the course in Canada is always have like really challenge course.

I think it's get like harder and harder. Like this year I feel like the course is so tough, one of the hardest one I ever play in Canada.

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