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July 25, 2024

Hannah Green

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club


Q. Nicely put together, a round of 3-under; just one off the lead. When you were playing practice rounds out here and the pro-am yesterday, did you have any kind of inkling as to what a low score would look like here at Earl Grey?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, not really. I thought the scores would be lower because I thought the par-5s were quite generous, not too difficult wedges in.

But playing in this wind this afternoon was tough. We experienced some of the highest winds on I would say some of the tougher holes, so really makes a difference on where you were on the golf course when you had those gusts.

But it was difficult out there. I mean, it's nice that the sun has peeped out. It was pretty cold towards the middle of our round. Just super happy to finish under par this afternoon.

Q. You were absolutely brilliant on the putting surfaces. 150 feet worth of putts made today. I just have to delve into what was going on with your mind, your body, your touch to allow that to happen today.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I actually have changed from lining the ball up to actually just having the Srixon logo. I felt like I've been putting really well this year but then perhaps them not actually falling.

I was almost getting too caught up in actually seeing the ball roll end over end, so I kind of just changed it the last couple weeks and trialed it at Evian. Evian is a hard place to putt, but obviously it went really well for me today.

It is tough to back up when you are holing that many putts, so I hope that I can hit more fairways, greens, and just continue to feel confident over those putts.

Q. I was going to say, you got a little too up close and personal with the rough today. Just four fairways hit. What kind of adjustments will you make tomorrow morning to ensure you can double that number?

HANNAH GREEN: I know. Four fairways is never ideal, especially when this is some of the thicker rough that we've actually played all year.

But, yeah, it made the rest of your game trying to scramble around, and hopefully it won't be that windy tomorrow morning at 8:30 in the morning.

Yeah, I'm going to try and hit some balls, just figure out what's going on. Felt like I actually made solid contact with the drives. It was just never really started on the line that I intended.

Yes, that is definitely the goal. Obviously trying to play boring golf: fairways and greens.

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