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July 25, 2024

Jennifer Kupcho

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, welcome Jennifer Kupcho to the media center. Really solid round for you today. When you started the day off looking at the leaderboard, did you think 4-under be 3-under would be some of the best rounds of the day out here?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I think -- I mean, even like playing practice rounds I definitely thought the course was going to play quite difficult. I mean, woke up today and obviously the air but also the wind was pretty bad.

So I knew it was going to play hard.

Q. Really solid round for you though, despite the challenges. Take us through some of the highlights and big moments for you out there.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I mean the weather was a bit crazy, so I feel like we had three different seasons in 18 holes. Definitely got sunny at the end and that's when I made all my birdies.

Really just tried to stay patient all day, hit a lot of fairways, hit a lot of greens, and giving myself a lot of chances.

Q. Warm weather player. Good to know.


Q. Take me through some of those birdies and are there any highlight birdies that stick out to you?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Not really, no. I mean, it was consistent all day. I was hitting it pretty solid all day, just giving myself chances and those are the ones that happened to fall in.

Q. Speaking of consistency, looks like you've only missed one cut this season. What has been going well for you overall this year?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I actually didn't know that. I've actually been quite close on a couple of them. I've been riding the cut line a little bit and then moving up on the weekend, which has been nice.

I think just trying to -- really this year just been trying to stay positive out on the golf course, and even when stuff goes wrong, just trying to kick it back into being competitive and getting back out of a hole.

So I think that's really what I've been focusing on this year.

Q. Today specifically was it a mental challenge? Any mental hurdles? The last three days, the practice rounds have been completely different weather-wise compared to today. Anything mentally that was tough for you today?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I mean, even to started the day it was like really a struggle all morning to kind of stay positive. I personally didn't think we should have been playing. It was pretty bad. At my hotel there was ash in the air. It's messing with our eyes. Just didn't seem like we should have been.

But I was just texting my caddie and we were trying to stay positive about it. Obviously we knew the wind was going to start blowing and blow it hopefully out, and it did.

I think that was one of the biggest things, is I didn't want to start the round negative. So just trying to flip everything to positive.

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