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July 25, 2024

Lydia Ko

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club


Q. Just two birdies today, no bogeys. Only player in the field bogey-free. Talk about the difficulty and the challenges that you will face this week?

LYDIA KO: To be honest, I think today the golf course played completely different to the past couple days. It was cold. It was windy. Tuesday, Wednesday was warm and no wind.

So it felt like I was playing a different golf course, but I knew I needed to stay patient. Coming into today I felt like I was in a much better place than even a year ago playing this event.

So I was able to just enjoy it and kind of ride the wind. I played really solid and I know that's what I need to continue to do. The rough is only getting longer and the course is definitely going to firm up, especially with this wind, so it's going to be a challenge for us.

Q. Now, a big couple of weeks for you. You've got the bronze; you've got the silver; only thing missing is the gold. We know you're motivated to get in the Hall of Fame. One win away from that. Talk about how important get ting that gold is?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, it would be pretty cool. You know, going into Rio I really wanted to medal, and coming off with a silver medal I think it was the best second place I've ever had.

It's the same for Tokyo. If I do win gold at Paris, I feel like somebody needs to get my like a Cinderella slipper because it's just a story that even I couldn't have drawn up.

Yeah, very excited for Paris in a couple weeks. We've got our last major at St Andrews at the home of golf, so a lot of golf left. As much as I'm excited for this stretch I'm also excited for that time off right after.

It's exciting and to say I'm going to be a three time Olympian, doesn't happen very often. Yeah, it's definitely a cool label to have next to my name.

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