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July 25, 2024

Katie Cranston

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress.)

KATIE CRANSTON: It was really exciting. Yeah, two really good shots. Yeah. Just exciting and just like positive start to the day.

Q. Was it a long putt or...

KATIE CRANSTON: No, I hit driver and hit 4-iron to probably two and a half, three feet. So, yeah.

Q. Yeah. And then after the bogey you got two more birdies and right up near the top of the leaderboard?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, I felt pretty comfortable after making that first birdie on the third hole, but, yeah, just good shots.

So, yeah.

Q. Yeah, still pretty happy with your round overall?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, a little bit disappointed with the back nine; the last two holes came in with two bogeys. But I mean, it's pretty hard out there. Everyone is going to make some bogeys.

Q. Just take us through that sort of mindset. Like you're playing in an LPGA event and I think just your third if I have that right.


Q. Just made an eagle on the very first hole. As you're walking off the green, what's going on in your mind?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, like almost too good to be true kind of. I was like, okay. Not that I was expecting to bogey on the next hole, but I was like if you bogey the next hole, you're chilling; all good.

Yeah, kind of too good to be true, but also like, yeah, good shots.

Q. How difficult is that crosswind sort of making play out there right now?

KATIE CRANSTON: It's very difficult. I feel like each player kind of has one that's preferred by them, and when you get up there and the wind is not really -- it's kind of going the other way, it's difficult to commit to a line that's like further left or right than the pin.

But, yeah.

Q. Did anything get away from you on the back nine or just...

KATIE CRANSTON: A couple bad tee shots and then the rough is so thick here. Three tee shots in the rough and then had to kind of like punch out or just didn't quite get up there. So just like honestly easy bogeys, like not fighting for them.

And then last two holes just both irons. Kind of got away from me on the right with the left-to-right wind.

Q. I know you don't think of it in this context right after a round, but as you get into trying to play more at this level, what do these experiences mean to you?

KATIE CRANSTON: They're amazing. It's definitely intimidating being out here with them, but I feel like I've done two now, this is my third one, I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable now.

But it's just I feel like it's great preparation for when I'm actually doing this as a job, so...

Q. Your first two have been two-day experiences.

KATIE CRANSTON: Yes, very much so.

Q. Is that a goal for you then this week?

KATIE CRANSTON: I mean, it would be great, but it's still -- I'm not putting too much pressure on myself. Canadian Am next week, so all good if not, yeah.

Q. Fair enough. Did you happen to see a leaderboard when your name was up at the top?

KATIE CRANSTON: No, not when it was at the very top. No. I think at 1-under I saw it. But no, I did not.

Q. Did you feel any love from the fans?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, it was fun. I mean, obviously our group didn't have too many people watching but me and another Canadian in my group. Yeah, definitely when you make a putt, a lot of good cheers.

Yeah, it's great to hear.

Q. Was anyone around for the eagle? It was pretty early.

KATIE CRANSTON: Not that many people. Just my mom.

Q. Oh, our your mom was there?


Q. Did you hear her yell?

KATIE CRANSTON: Oh, yeah. She's always yelling. I can hear her. Always hear her.

Q. I was going to ask you one too. Now it's your third time, you played with Alex and Maddie I believe. Anything you're picking up today from watching them or being on the range around more professional players?

KATIE CRANSTON: Definitely a lot of precision going into their warmups and preparation before the tournament starts. I think it's great playing with them like knowing that they don't hit every shot perfect either. They make mistakes too. They're going to miss fairways, going to make bogey. So it's good to see, yeah.

Q. What's your mom's name?

KATIE CRANSTON: Suzanne Tennier.

Q. How surprised were you this morning when you saw the wind picked up and how do you adjust?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, it was very surprising. I did not bring a single pair ever pants here. The wind looked like it was going to be like it was going to be like (indiscernible) miles an hour, but it was kind of -- knowing that it was the same for everyone, all in the same field, so, yeah, challenges everything.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

KATIE CRANSTON: It was very exciting. Yeah, just it was nice. I felt like I had a bit of a cushion for the rest of the round, especially as the wind picked up.

Yeah, it was super exciting.

Q. What was your game plan?

KATIE CRANSTON: Yeah, just keep the pedal down. Still trying to play a little bit conservative, middle of the green, not get too excited.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

KATIE CRANSTON: Definitely a little bit. Couple of tee shots different clubs were used and then getting up there third and having 30 yards longer into some holes. Nothing crazy. Yeah.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

KATIE CRANSTON: Just do the same thing. Yeah, fairways and greens. Nothing crazy.

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