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July 25, 2024

Brooke Henderson

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you sum up your round today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was interesting. Not really the hot start that I wanted to get off to, but felt like we fought pretty hard. We were in some tough spots on some holes so it was nice to battle it out, get even par. Be nice to get a couple birdies early tomorrow and really climb up.

But the course played a lot different today. It was pretty tough out there this morning. A little cooler and very windy, so a little bit different than the practice rounds.

Q. How tough was it with that wind this morning, Brooke?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was definitely a challenge. Sort of feels like maybe it's lying down a little bit right now, but this morning it was pretty tough.

A lot of adjustments needed to be made. New golf course, although I played a few teams this week, but just confirming lines and stuff off the tees. Just got to do a double-check, especially when the wind is whipping.

Q. Do you feel now that you have one round you can go a little bit lower tomorrow?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think so, yeah. I mean, it was out there today. I just like I said, didn't really get off to the start that I was looking for.

But even par, didn't really give any away, which is good. Just hopefully make a fast start tomorrow.

Q. With the way the conditions turned out to be today, does even par standing here now feel better than it would've if someone offered you even par in morning? Does it feel different than you thought to maybe would've?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Maybe a little bit. I would've liked to get it under par, but the way -- like I said, we kind of battled a little bit. Got up and down and fought back with a couple birdies there on my back nine to kind of get it to even.

So doesn't feel great, but it doesn't feel as bad with the tough conditions this morning.

Q. In your experience, can you gain some momentum from a round where it feels like you had to sort of slug it out a little bit?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think so. I feel like I kind of learned a lot out there, and feel like I gained confidence, which is a great feeling.

The crowd was amazing. So much support even early this morning. When I did make some birdies they were very loud and very energetic which I loved, so hopefully I can do more of that tomorrow.

Q. Lauren Coughlin was talking about how important her caddie was for today. How important was your sister for you today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. When the conditions are tough, when it's the windy, when it's cooler, when things are different than the way you practiced leading in, you really need a good caddie that you can depend on and really trust in those situations.

So it was great to have Brit there as always. I feel like we'll shoot a little lower tomorrow.

Q. Just talked about the crowds. Is there anything in particular you hear here when you come play in Canada than elsewhere? Nicknames or anything like that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I mean, Canadians follow my round where every I am which is really amazing. It's just a little bit louder and a little bit more fun playing at home on home soil.

And they were definitely behind me the whole time. Like I said, hopefully I can just go out tomorrow and give them a little bit more to cheer about and hear some of those louder cheers again. Just so grateful for all the support out there. Yeah, just the excitement level from them is really cool.

Q. All right, here with Brooke Henderson. Brooke, an even par start. Let's start with that first birdie of the day. How clutch was it to get one off your back there?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was really nice to get that birdie and get it back to even par. The crowd went pretty wild when I made it, which was pretty fun. Crowds have been phenomenal and so grateful for all their support. When I do make birdies they're loud and energetic so hopefully make more tomorrow.

Q. No one has played this golf course yet in tournament condition. Are you satisfied with an even par start?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Not really. I would've liked to get it under par, but with how tough it was and how different it played in than the practice round days I feel like we grinded out really well, which proud of that.

Hopefully get off to a little quicker start tomorrow, make some putts. It's always so much fun to play in Canada so just try and make the most of it.

Q. When you woke up this morning and stepped outside and realized the temperature was way different than the practice rounds, how much of a stressful situation was that? Was it stressful? How hard was it to adjust as compared to the practice round days?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think the big thing was just adjusting because it was completely different. I didn't even have a sweater when I showed up to the course because it was so hot yesterday I didn't think I would need one; definitely needed one this morning.

Yeah, just constant adjusting. Really dependant on Brit a lot. Trusted her opinion on a lot of things, which is great. Yeah, just try to go out tomorrow -- I mean, I don't know whether to trust the weather or not, but going into tomorrow just hopefully get off to a solid start.

Q. How about the crowds?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Oh, they're amazing. So grateful. So much love, so much support, and it's -- like I said it's just so much fun to play at home and hopefully I can give them something to cheer about tomorrow.

(In progress. )... there for a while just to try to keep warm, but very different than the practice round days. Much cooler. Very windy. This course can play pretty difficult when it is this windy, so I mean, even is solid. Would've liked to get it a little but under par today, but hopefully go out tomorrow and make some quick birdies and get back to where it feels a little bit more exciting going into the weekend.

Q. When you do come out and practice in different conditions like this what's the biggest adjustment you have to make?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think it's just constantly -- your lines are slightly different off the tee with the wind. You're not hitting it quite as far, so some of par-5s that were reachable on the practice round days are now three-shot holes.

So you have to think your way around a little bit more. It's important to have a great caddie, and I feel like we adjusted pretty well. I wasn't hitting it as solid as I would've liked throughout the entire day, so kind of grinded it out when we needed to.

Couple birdies on the back made it feel a little bit better.

Q. Did it seem for a lot of the round it's tough to get the ball close to the hole on these greens? Have to play a little more defensively?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I was playing a little bit more defensively today than I would've liked for sure. I do like to attack when I can, so hopefully more of that tomorrow.

But when I did make birdies I was getting a little bit closer which is a good feeling. Just I'm so grateful for all the support I received out here today. It's phenomenal to have these crowds behind me even though I didn't play my best. They were still right there. Hopefully give them some more things to cheer about tomorrow.

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