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July 25, 2024

Jay Leng

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Start with 14. What happened on 14, 15, 16?

JAY LENG: Yeah, going into 14 I was all tied but I knew I was playing good. Just putts weren't really dropping. So stayed patient.

Hit the fairway on 14; made a par.

Then 15 had like a 10-, 12-footer for birdie. Knew I had to make it; made that brought my confidence up a little bit.

Going into 16 I was 2-up. Hit it to like 20 feet and made it.

Q. Nice. On to the quarters. How you feeling about the play and advancing?

JAY LENG: I'm feeling good. My game feels really good. Just got to stay confident and just trust my game.

Q. You got a lot of experience in big events in match play. What do you like about match play and what with your game suits it?

JAY LENG: Yeah, I think maybe my consistency suits match play. I think it's a lot simpler because you're just playing against one guy and not -- I don't have to worry about anyone else.

Yeah, I like match play a lot.

Q. Looks like if Miles ends up winning you'll play him tomorrow. How played with him much?

JAY LENG: A little bit. I played with him -- we were teammates at the Junior Ryder Cup, so it will be really fun tomorrow. There will be a big crowd for sure.

Q. Have you seen some of the crowd out there with him?

JAY LENG: He's been in front of me both matches today. It's been pretty...

Q. So does some of the crowd linger and watch your group or has it kind of...

JAY LENG: A little bit. Not too many people, but I'm definitely excited to have a bigger crowd tomorrow.

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