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July 25, 2024

Minjee Lee

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Minjee Lee. Just maybe speak about your day today. Obviously a very nice start in some tough conditions out there.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean was pretty solid all day. I didn't have too many -- I mean, one hole I hit the tree and then it went into the really tall grass, but that's for another day.

Other than that I feel like I was hitting it really well. Played really smart out there. You know, there are some shorter holes and some longer holes, so the shorter holes I tried to take advantage of.

And obviously the par-5s were playing -- I think three of them were playing downwind, so it was like if you hit a good drive you're able to take advantage of 3-wood or a 7-wood.

So I think I did that really well today.

Q. Considering the temperatures from the last couple days when you were preparing and now today and how different it was, was it a physical hurdle to get over today or no?

MINJEE LEE: Actually not really. It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be. It was just really the wind that made it cold.

But I was lucky because Brad had his rain jacket so I was wearing it in between shots. Yeah, but the wind was really strong today, so I guess, yeah, that was the biggest factor out there.

Q. I'm just wondering, did you feel the effects of the smoke? Was that something you noticed as you were playing?

MINJEE LEE: I only noticed it kind of like midway, like when the sun kind of went away; it was like quite foggy.

Other than that, I just thought it was a little bit more overcast today than the other days, like to burn off. It's quite clear now so that's good.

Q. Obviously no one has played this golf course before, so in your head, 3-under start, are you satisfied with that number?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, the conditions were tough. Like starting out the day, you know, you kind of expect some calmer conditions, morning tee time, but today was like out of the bat it was windy.

So yeah, no, I think I'm pretty happy where I sit right now. Yeah, proud of the way I played today.

Q. I know so much of the focus becomes the job at hand on the golf course. Have you got to experience anything else in your week in Calgary?

MINJEE LEE: I'm actually staying in the city so really great food scene. Went to some really nice spots. I went to Banff last time I was here, so didn't get the chance this time. Although last time I went it was nice and clear and sunny, so a little bit cloudier this year.

But, yeah, no, I've enjoyed my time so far and I will enjoy the resist of my time, too.

Q. We've talked I know all week about the Olympics. It starts tomorrow; you've got the opening ceremonies; you're here on the other side of the world. Can you get caught up in the excitement about it despite the distance away?

MINJEE LEE: Well, I think my brother is going to do the opening. So I don't know what the time difference is, I don't know if I can catch it or not, but I'll try and see him on the boat.

I don't know if I will be able to see him on like any of the later coverage or anything. But, yeah, my mind -- some of my mind is over there as well. I'm looking forward to when we get over there and start playing, too.

Q. Your brother pretty excited about it?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, yeah. It was one of his main goals to make the Olympic team this year. I think he knew he was going to be really close and when he made it he was really excited.

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