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July 25, 2024

Tyler Watts

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 36-hole day and that was quite the match there. I think you only tied three holes. What was going on out there? You guys were throwing haymakers.

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, it was a long day for sure. Pretty gassed.

But, yeah, that last match was very back and forth. Wasn't very consistent, but happy I prevailed in the end.

Q. 36-hole day, how often have you played 36 in a day?

TYLER WATTS: I would say for the past like year or two, not very often. When I was little, like back home with my buddies, yeah.

Walking this golf course and trying to hit out of the rough is definitely a lot more tiring.

Q. You said you prefer match play to stroke play. You love it. You love to get the putter in your hand. Did you think you proved that out there today with two victories?

TYLER WATTS: I think I did this morning. This afternoon it was a lot more of a grind. Didn't have my best stuff with the putter. That's why I'm on the putting green right now.

Hopefully a little better performance with the putter tomorrow will be good.

Q. And we talked earlier in the week. You wanted to win medalist. Obviously you missed that just by a stroke. New goal to go out and win this thing?

TYLER WATTS: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I wanted medalist, but at the end of the day it's just match play once you get into the top 64. So after stroke play I was happy. Didn't matter. I was happy with my game.

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