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July 25, 2024

Max Johnson

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

North Carolina Tar Heels

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Max.

Q. How much do you lean on your dad's experience, Super Bowl quarterback, but also a Florida State quarterback?

MAX JOHNSON: Yeah, I think he's been through so many experiences in his life that I've been able to learn so much from him. He's taught me never get too high, never get too low, lean on your guys. You got to be a leader in the good times and the bad times.

Everybody experiences those throughout their career, high school, college, NFL. I've been able to learn so much from him. I've gained so much wisdom from just some of the things he's taught me, so...

Q. You've had a journey, the transfer portal, LSU, Texas A&M, now to North Carolina. To someone who maybe is in a place where it's not the right fit, what type of wisdom and knowledge can you share about the portal and how to handle the re-recruitment of college football?

MAX JOHNSON: I think the transfer portal is a big part of college football now. You see Joe Burrow, Kyler Murray, so many big-time guys transfer from school to school.

I think being at Carolina with Coach Brown, all these great players around me, I'm so excited for the opportunity, I'm so blessed to be able to be here.

It's a tough time being in the portal. You're getting phone calls every single day. For me it was just finding the best fit for me, building the relationship with these guys and Coach Brown was so important for me.

Q. At the end of it all, all the phone calls, what made UNC the right choice?

MAX JOHNSON: I think watching the guys coming here such as Sam Howell and Drake Maye, the success they had here. Just the type of offense that is run here.

Coach Lindsey has done a great job, like Conner said, working to everybody's strengths. I've kind of fit in really well here. I've met some great guys, great friends.

For me, this is the place where I wanted to be coming out of the portal. Of course, I got other phone calls, but this was my first choice. This is where I want to be and I'm looking forward to this year.

Q. You came into UNC looking at this receiving group. What stood out to you the most of why you wanted to come and play at UNC?

MAX JOHNSON: I mean, we got some dudes at receiver. J.J. is one of them, No. 5, a baller. We got some dudes out there.

I can name every single one of them, but I don't want to highlight any certain guy because we got a bunch of studs. Each guy can take a slant to the crib. I'm looking forward to working with them this fall camp, so...

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