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July 25, 2024

Cade Klubnik

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Clemson Tigers

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Cade.

Q. One of the themes with talking to Garrett last week was some of the lessons and takeaways he had in year one as the coordinator. What are some of your takeaways you're going to bring with you in year two?

CADE KLUBNIK: Honestly super excited to have Coach Riley as my quarterback coach, offensive coordinator for my third year, second year in a row.

Yeah, I mean, I would just say one of the biggest things is taking it one week at a time. I'm never looking to the next opponent, never looking to two weeks ahead, three weeks ahead. Truly just focusing on one day at a time. That's one thing we've talked about. Just being automatic in everything, every little play, automatic and efficient. Making the routine plays routine. Just sticking to the system.

Q. Where has that evolution come from for you that you've seen since you've been asked to be there as a signal caller, the leader of the offense? Where have you seen yourself evolve the most?

CADE KLUBNIK: I think just being able to manage the game. I look back at last season, throughout the year, being a full-time starter for a full year, I learned how to actually manage a game in a really efficient way. I think that's one thing I got better at throughout the season.

One thing I want to start off with really quickly in week one, just continue to get better at. That's been great.

Honestly just leading, just using my voice and pushing guys. Just building as great of a camaraderie as I can build with my teammates, with my O-line, receivers, running backs, tight ends. Just trying to be the best leader that I can be.

It's been great.

Q. Last year 21 touchdowns, 12 interceptions. What have you been working on during the off-season to improve that ratio?

CADE KLUBNIK: Yeah, I think the first thing would be obviously getting to be in the same system again. I think being able to know the offense, I mean, it almost feels like the longer you're in a system, you know how to get through progressions faster, cancel out yes, no, pre-snap progressions, knowing when you're hot off of blitzes, knowing the protections better. That obviously comes with getting the ball out of my hand quicker. Less interceptions, less sacks, being able to make big-time plays with either my legs or throwing the ball downfield.

Q. Clemson comes from a long list of great quarterbacks. Have any of those previous ones reached out to you, offered to work out with you?

CADE KLUBNIK: Not as much like work out. I've talked to Deshaun and Trevor a little bit each. They're both chasing their NFL careers right now, so they don't have a lot of time to come back to Clemson and train with me.

I've definitely had some great mentors. Nick Foles is a guy that went to my high school. Got to spend a couple days with the Mannings, pick their brains. Learned a couple little cheat codes that I never even heard before. That was great. It's been awesome to have people like that that I can reach out to, that truly understand what I'm going through and what the game is.

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