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July 25, 2024

LeQuint Allen

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Syracuse Orange

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for LeQuint.

Q. How has your running style changed or developed during your years in college?

LeQUINT ALLEN: I think I always ran the same, angry, vision, stuff like that. Reading the defense, the X's and O's to it.

Q. For you in this offense, having Fran as your coach, what excited you about the this opportunity? What made you stay and believe that Fran and this specific offense is going to make you a better running back?

LeQUINT ALLEN: Just knowing Fran, from previous, we from the same area in New Jersey. Just knowing him, know what he's about. We're basically on the same page. Being able to play for him, the transfer that's coming in, play for us, too. Just getting that bond with them. Everybody just getting the same, like -- thank you.

Q. You enter the 2024 season with the 10th most receptions as a running back for the Syracuse program. As a true junior, how do you look to build on that?

LeQUINT ALLEN: Just keeping in me, make sure my teammates are moving in the right direction. Being that leader that Syracuse needs, just being me, just being myself at the end of the day.

Q. You played DB in high school. How did playing on that side of the ball help you as a running back in college?

LeQUINT ALLEN: I believe that helps me to just be angry and just to read the defense. When I got the ball, just knowing the movements that the defense is going to do, like, before it even happens, stuff like that.

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