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July 25, 2024

Kyle McCord

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Syracuse Orange

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Kyle.

Q. The initial decision to transfer to Syracuse, the feeling that you have starting a new era here...

KYLE McCORD: Yeah, for me, it was all about the people. Obviously I've known Coach Fran for a while. I've known Coach Nick in the OC for a while. Coach Nunn, a quarterback coach for a while.

Looking at the team, I feel like it was a great situation for me to come in, have a lot of talent around me, have success early on.

When I made my decision, I was all in, put my recruiting hat on, try to get some other guys out of the portal. It came together extremely nice. Now I think we have an opportunity to go out and have a fast start, win some games.

Q. What has it been like not just coming into Syracuse but returning home to the North Side? You're from New Jersey. It's not too far from where you grew up.


Q. What has that been like returning home?

KYLE McCORD: Yeah, I think like you said, it's close to home. I think people in the locker room, too, like Fadil just said, growing up with a lot of the guys that are on my college team now is a cool experience. It's something that you dream about growing up. Now to kind of see it come full circle, being able to put on the same uniform as those guys, it's pretty sweet.

Q. When you looked at Syracuse, the weapons that you would have, how would you describe what this offense is going to be like? Was there someone that attracted you to the program?

KYLE McCORD: Yeah, I think we'll be dynamic I think at every single position, offensive line, tight end, receiver. We have a lot of great weapons. Some were there last year like OG and LeQuint. Some new guys like Zeed Haynes and Jackson Meeks, who came in from the portal.

I'm excited to get going. I think we had a really good start in spring ball. Now got Savion Washington from the portal. A good addition to the O-line.

I feel like we'll be dynamic. I feel like the toughness is definitely there. I think if we can combine those two things, we'll be off to a good start.

Q. You're a two-time all conference academic member. What advice would you give the freshmen about maintaining the balance between athletics and academics?

KYLE McCORD: I think when you decide to go to a college, the first thing that you look at is the academics. Being able to have a full ride at a great school like Syracuse, getting a degree will last me longer than my football career ever will. Having those connections, meeting some of the people I have at Syracuse is great. That was priority number one.

When I came here, they sat me down with the president of Newhouse, which is the communication school. I think having those connections and that experience will last me a long time.

Q. A lot of people talk about the different styles of offense and defense from different conferences. Have you seen that transition from playing in a Big Ten style offense to now ACC?

KYLE McCORD: Yeah, I think it's case by case. I think the offense we run here is similar to the one I was at at Ohio State. But I think you look across the conference, there's a lot of great quarterbacks in this conference. I think teams are going to obviously try to pass the ball.

I know in the Big Ten, some of those teams will run the ball all game, pass 10 times a game. I think quarterbacks in the ACC, in my opinion, are top-notch. So I think there will be some games that might get into a little bit of a shootout this year.

I think talent-wise, it's there. Again, I think it's case by case for each team.

Q. Coming from Ohio State, you obviously not only know all the competition inside of the Big Ten, but you know what it's like to be on the national stage. It's been many years for Syracuse to be anywhere close to a national championship. What makes you believe that this team can move forward into a place that you're familiar with?

KYLE McCORD: Yeah, I think Coach Fran coming from Georgia, similar school, who has been there, has won it, he's brought that same pedigree here. I think on top of that, the people around me, the players around me I think are top-notch.

When you look at the team last year, having all the top guys like Oronde and Justin and Marlowe all decide to come back, LeQuint as well, what we did in the portal, coming together that quickly, like Fadil was talking about, how close we are, it's like a family.

When I combine those elements, the coaches, players, the people, all that, I think that's when you give yourself an opportunity to win.

Q. One of the nicknames for this conference has been conference of the quarterbacks. Where do you fit inside of that?

KYLE McCORD: I guess we'll see. I'm not one to stand up here and make predictions or whatever. But I'm confident in my game. I'm confident in the players around me. So more than anything, I'm excited to play.

Still have a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth from the last time I was on the field against Michigan. I've been eager to get back out on the field and start competing.

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