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July 25, 2024

Grayson McCall

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

NC State Wolfpack

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Grayson.

Q. Talk about what it's like being in a new program, your last year of eligibility, you're being tasked as a leader.

GRAYSON McCALL: It's refreshing to be in a new spot. Unbelievable opportunity for me to put on the red and black and represent NC State.

First of all, just extremely excited for the opportunity that Coach Doeren has given me. As an older guy, I know that's my responsibility, especially as the quarterback, is to lead the guys, set the example, coming every day, showing them how it's done.

The transition was really smooth. Those guys showed me how we do it in Raleigh. Now that I know the standard, now it's my expectation and my job, my responsibility to come in every day and lead the guys. That starts obviously with my actions. Being more vocal on the field, leading those guys in the right direction every day.

Q. The in-helmet communication, that being a part of this, how much have you prepared for that ahead of fall camp? How much is that an emphasis?

GRAYSON McCALL: It was something that we implemented in the spring. We were able to get that going. Some of that's great. I think it's about time that college football did that.

Obviously as a quarterback, it makes my job a lot easier. I know for play callers and things like that, it kind of simplifies it for us.

It was awesome. You have hiccups with the mics and things like that on a day-to-day basis. Just like anything, the more you use it, the better you'll get with it.

It was awesome to do it for the first time. Like I said, kind of simplifies things for me. We're able to communicate quicker and better.

It was awesome. Looking forward to using it in the fall.

Q. Was there a moment or conversation with a player coach that convinced you that State was a place for you to be?

GRAYSON McCALL: On my visit, walking into the place, kind of overwhelmed with the facilities. As I got there and able to talk to Coach Doeren, Coach Roper, Coach Anae, and meet some of the guys, it's an unbelievable place to be.

The culture is extremely strong. Coach Doeren has been there for obviously over 10 years. The standard that he's set in place, the play style that the football team has week in, week out, the toughness and the grit, the blue-collar mentality, the chip on their shoulder, that's been me my whole career.

I think it's a perfect fit, a perfect mold for me to go in there and get the job done. It's an awesome, unbelievable transition. Really grateful for the opportunity to be the quarterback at NC State.

Q. I see the hair starting to come back. Will the mullet be in full force this season?

GRAYSON McCALL: It's coming, baby. It's coming. I showed it to Raleigh with the buzz cut. I got a lot of mullet requests. I'm ready to let this thing go.

Q. When you committed to Coastal Carolina, they were in their second year as an FBS program. This year you're a starter in a power conference team. Can you describe that journey?

GRAYSON McCALL: God works in mysterious ways. God is so good. Kind of surreal for me being here at ACC Media Day going into year six as the quarterback at NC State.

It's been an unbelievable journey, a lot of ups, a few downs. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Excited for this upcoming year. Just so grateful. Every day I walk in the building with a smile on my face because I am truly grateful to be in Raleigh with the guys.

I wouldn't trade my time at Coastal Carolina for anything. It made me who I am. I love that place, and I'm looking forward and excited to be in Raleigh with NC State.

Q. You went into it a little bit of your relationship with coach. You said being around the guys, something sold you. To know there's one more ride, opportunity this season for you, what is it about the culture of this team that you felt had to be a place to spend the last year?

GRAYSON McCALL: The best football teams I've been on are player-led teams. You get that vibe when you walk into the building. You have guys like Davin Vann, players that have been there a long time that have put in the work, set the standard, continue to build on it year in, year out.

Sitting down talking to the guys, I know everybody says it, but it truly is a family identity in that building. The guys love each other. It's a special place to be.

Like coach said, he's around great staff, grit players. He loves doing what he do. I'm the same exact way. You walk in that building, it's a good time to be there.

It's exciting to be in there with the guys. I mean, whenever I walked in, walked out of my visit, I knew that was the place for me. A lot of buzz in Raleigh right now with the men's and women's basketball team, baseball. A lot of energy. A lot of support from the fans in the community.

Ready to get this thing rolling, take this momentum and keep it going, so...

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