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July 24, 2024

Maalik Murphy

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Duke Blue Devils

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Maalik.

Q. This week we've seen a lot of quarterbacks here that came through the transfer portal. How hard of a decision was it to get to the portal? At what point through that process did you decide on Duke?

MAALIK MURPHY: Starting off, it was definitely tough for me just because of the position I was in with my previous team. We were heading, trying to win a national championship. You know what I'm saying? It was definitely tough separating myself from the team during that time, kind of just doing what was best for me.

I was getting into the portal trying to find a new home. Luckily I found Duke University and Manny being the head coach here. I couldn't ask for a better place. I've had a great time here the past seven months. I can't wait to see what we do this season.

Q. What's that relationship like been like with Grayson to work together and challenge each other? What has that relationship been like as far as who you are today on the field.

MAALIK MURPHY: It's been great. Honestly I couldn't ask for Grayson to be any better of a person, kind of like a partner to work with. Him being here, him having the experience and the knowledge of Duke as a program, knowing the people that's been here, that's come through here, that are here currently, he's able to help me get a better feel for everywhere and everyone that's around me.

That's Henry as well. I ask all of those guys questions. I'm a big kind of like wanting to know new stuff type person. I don't mind asking questions. Anything that comes into my mind, I let them know.

I'm definitely grateful for them.

Q. I want to take you back to high school. In your senior year, you finished 10-1 on the year. That one single loss came by one single point. What was it that season that you took advantage to learn as a football player through college?

MAALIK MURPHY: If I'm correct, yeah, that loss was against Bishop Amat on my Senior Night. Probably one of the toughest losses of my life just because Amat is like our long-time rival. I knew how much my head coach didn't like them. It was definitely personal for us.

Going into that game, had a lot to do with playoff standings. It was tough losing that game, but I definitely learned a lot going into the playoffs, and so did the team. We took it to the chin, ran with it, ended up winning a championship that year.

Q. Can you talk on the firepower and just how underrated your receiving core is with this year?

MAALIK MURPHY: I want them to stay underrated. I feel like that's in our favor. Them flying under the radar, us as an offense flying under the radar. People are not aware find what our OC can do because he hasn't been in this position before.

I'm excited, super excited, for the guys that we have. I feel like we're going to do great things, big things, and it's going to be explosive.

Q. Coach Diaz talked about having a play-making defense, trying to put offenses in third and long. How have you been going up against that defense? How excited are you to keep practicing that?

MAALIK MURPHY: Grayson and I actually joked earlier today, like we hate going against them because we feel like he's picking on us because he's in every single one of our quarterback meetings. It's like he has a hit-out on us practice days.

It's great though, honestly. Being able to go against players like Tre Freeman, Chandler Rivers, you learn how to work, be more efficient when you have a defensive head coach.

I couldn't ask for a better situation honestly on practice days, knowing that they're going to get the best out of me, because at the end of the day they're doing what's best for the team.

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