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July 24, 2024

Thomas Castellanos

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Boston College Eagles

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Thomas.

Q. Should you be a part of the Heisman conversation?

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: I believe so. Last year kind of was thrown in the fire as a young guy. It was kind of a blur. I was out there just playing ball.

I feel like this year I'll have to say so on that. This year, I'll be more mature, the game will be more slower. I think I'll do more things.

Q. Your head coach, he's coached Tom Brady, he coached Bryce Young in college, low turnover guys. You had 15 touchdowns and 14 interceptions last year. Has that been a focus point this season to get better at lowering the turnover rate and protecting the ball?

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: Most definitely. That played a big factor.

Like I said, I was kind of thrown in the fire last year, it's a blur. Again, trying to make plays and just playing, give guys opportunities.

Like I said, this year, it will be a lot different. Like what Bill said, piggyback off what he said. What we've been doing this off-season, it's been really great. It will be great, but you definitely will see a change of protecting the ball, throwing the ball away, sliding, getting out-of-bounds, stuff of that nature.

Q. When you look at all the success you had last season, now having Bill O'Brien come in, what is it about the offense you're most excited about going into this year? What are some of those wrinkles, weapons that you have?

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: I think having Coach Bill, I'm not stop saying this, I think it's the best thing to happen to my career. He's been around a lot of great quarterbacks. To be coaching me, it's an honor. I'm very thankful.

I can't really go into detail about the offense, but it will be amazing. You'll see more explosive plays down the field, me throwing a ball a lot more.

Q. Last year you were the college offensive MVP in a bowl game played in a Major League Baseball stadium. You might be one of 20 that can claim that in this country. That's pretty cool.

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: Thank you (smiling).

Q. You once shared a quarterback room with Mikey Keene. Last year both of you get the opportunity to start, the opportunity to show what you can do. Sometimes you got to go to a second place to find your footing. Did you know that quarterback room was special? What has it been like to have your opportunity and see him get his?

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: Yes, besides Mikey Keene we have John Rice, as well. Three unbelievable quarterbacks in that room. Those guys taught me a lot my freshman year at UCF. Mikey Keene was an absolutely great leader. John Rice as well.

I took a lot from those guys I learnt, and took it to Boston College. My opportunity at Boston College, it just made me look back at UCF. Can't regret it, you know.

Q. Your coach mentioned that you brought a lot of talent back. How important is it and how crucial of an off-season was it that you have so much returning talent?

THOMAS CASTELLANOS: It does good. Like this gentleman up here said, he mentioned the stats and stuff like that. This year we have a lot of weapons. We have the returning guys and some guys around me.

This year, like I said, will be a lot of explosive plays. We have a lot of great weapons around me. I feel like this year offensively we'll be really good.

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