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July 24, 2024

Adrian Meronk

Rocester, England, UK

JCB Golf and Country Club

Cleeks GC

Quick Quotes

Q. How much does it mean to be an Olympian and to represent Poland?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I'm just super proud and excited to be a second-time Olympian. It was a bit different with COVID.

I think Paris is going to be much more livelier, a lot of people coming, so it's going to be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with other Polish athletes.

Q. Drawing on four years ago or three years ago when the Olympics were, how much more comfortable will you be as an Olympian? Do you feel like it will be an advantage --

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I think the fact that I was already there and I know how it looks like -- first time was a little bit overwhelming. I was like a kid in a zoo, just looking at everyone, just trying to take as much experience as possible, and I really enjoyed it, but at the same time, I didn't really focus on the tournament as much as I should have. This year I know what to expect and will just fully commit from day one to my work and try to play my best golf and hopefully battle for the medals.

Q. What's the coolest thing about being an Olympian?

ADRIAN MERONK: Just this pride to represent your country with other the best athletes in the world in their sports and just being among this group of people. I think it's just very special. I think that's the best thing.

Q. Obviously golf for you guys is quite new. Where would an Olympic gold rank for you in terms of accolades in golf?

ADRIAN MERONK: Probably after majors for me. Obviously majors for us are the biggest, but the fact that Olympics are every four years only, it makes them quite special, as well. I think it still is very important, at least for me. Growing up, I remember watching all of the Olympics with my dad every four years. I was always looking forward to it. So being part of it, it's a very great experience, and I hope I can play my best golf and bring some hardware home.

Q. It's obviously your first few months with LIV Golf. How have you settled in the first few months?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, it's been quite stressful in the beginning. It was obviously a big decision, big move for me. But I love it here. It's a great environment. All the people are super nice. It just feels like one big family.

Q. Can I ask you about representing your country specifically. What does that mean to you? Obviously a lot of golf is an individual basis. What does it change in terms of dynamics?

ADRIAN MERONK: Like I said, I'm very proud of that, to be wearing the Polish uniform next week and being able to share that experience with other Polish athletes. As I said, Olympics are very important for me because I've been following pretty much all of them since I remember. Yeah, just very exciting.

Q. We saw incredible focus from Xander at The Open this weekend. Do you think he's the man to beat?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, he's definitely in form, but you have a full field of great players. There's 60 very good players, world-class players. In order to be able to win the medal, I'm going to have to play my best golf, and I hope I can do it.

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